June Kids Camp
A free “camp” for kids on Saturday morning with fun, games, crafts, and a Bible story!

Ladies Breakfast
The men of the church will prepare a free breakfast for the ladies in honor of Mother’s Day.

"Kindness" Kids Camp
A drop in for kids on Saturday morning with fun, games, crafts, and a Bible story!

Firearms Safety Class
Join us for a safety course on your firearm. Cost is $20 per person.

Back to School Bash
Come out and join us for some water fun as kids go back to school! We will have a water slide, games, hotdogs, and lots of fun!

Unity in the Community
A community-wide celebration on June 5th from 10am-2pm. Churches will unite to serve our community and show them the love of Jesus.

Join us for our Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, May 16 at 11am. Broadus Moody will be preaching and we will enjoy a meal together following the service.

Men's Prayer Breakfast
On Saturday, May 15, we will have a special breakfast together at 8am. John McKnight will be sharing with us.
Ladies Bible Study
Each Tuesday night, Leigh Hedden leads a ladies Bible study beginning at 7pm

Weekly Men's Breakfast
Men meet weekly at Hardees on Hwy 93 for fellowship and a brief devotional.

Rock In
Youth Fundraiser for the Baltimore Mission Trip. Sponsor a youth to spend twelve hours rocking in a rocking chair!