An Update Regarding COVID 19


Church family,

Out of wisdom and submission to our civil authorities, we will be canceling all church activities until the ban is lifted. In order to restrict the spread of the coronavirus, our government has recommended no gatherings of 10 or more people. We care for all members of our church and must be careful not to put anyone at risk, especially the elderly. The pastor will share an online message, Sunday mornings at 10am. Click here to watch.

We ask members to please continue giving. Christians are generous because God has been generous to us. Your giving allows our church to continue doing ministry, and though we won't meet together, expenses don't stop. Please mail your check to P.O. Box 338 Central, SC 29630.

Christians, remember that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. This virus has reminded all of us that we have little control over our lives. Thankfully we know that God sovereignly rules over this universe and this virus. He is not surprised at this outbreak.

Many feel isolated during this time as we've been encouraged to restrict our social activities. Take advantage of time with family. Read your Bible to find comfort. Pray for your neighbors. Serve those in need. Rejoice in the Lord always.

If there is any way we can serve you during this time, please let us know. Also, share this information with church members who do not have the internet. God bless you and your family.

Pastor Austin